Nearly two weeks before the opening of classes, Basic Education faculty underwent through a training on Assessment of Learning to Basic Education organized by Human Resource Development Center (HRDC) at the University Library, July 8.
With the objectives to prepare Basic Education Units for the new school year, the activity was enjoined by over 40 Bed teachers.
“We need to be dynamic and adaptive because our students are evolving, especially in the era where artificial intelligence is prevalent,” HRDC OIC Calimutan who served as the trainor stated.
Also present in the activity were the school heads, Ms. Thelma Balderama (Kindergarten), Mrs Fatima Palmes (Elementary), and Ms. Urla Dela (Secondary School), with Dr. Minnie Chan, Vice President for Academic Affairs gracing the program.
“I appreciate the effort we put in our teaching, in our approach to be effective to our diverse learners. I know kaya natun ang palaabuton nga school year (we can do it),” Dr. Chan shared with the intent to inspire and motivate the teachers.
The training was filled with knowledge on new trends in education and assessment, and incorporated techniques in using and dealing with AI in classroom.