Health and Services Unit

Our Vision

A dynamic Christian Institution for quality and healthy life

Our Mission

To provide quality services for the improvement of one’s life

Our Goals

1. To develop the total well-being of the students through one’s life health services in a Christian atmosphere.
2. To promote health awareness and consciousness.
3. To participate in society building through community services and dental services based centers.


This is designed to secure necessary student data to complete the ​ individual and population profile of students. This includes the student’s personal family and academic background of some of the tests are interpreted right after the examinations, during the department convocations or during the year-round group counseling sessions with the Guidance Staff. Results are being made available to students to enable them acquire a positive and realistic self-image, self-motivation so that they can choose alternatives or make decisions.

  • Scheduling physical examinations of the faculty, staff and students.
  • Consultations
  • Dressing wounds
  • Physician/referred injections after proper authorizations
  • Giving treatment of injuries and illness
  • Conducting/referring to hospitals of serious and urgent cases whenever possible, after coordination with parents/guardians
  • Giving free initial doses of medicine to first aid and emergency cases
Physical Examination

General physical examination is required of all pupils, students, faculty and staff. The Health Services Unit of the University ensures that the general health and well-being of everyone is sustained. It is the school’s policy that students enrolled are physically fit to undertake educational programs and the members of the faculty and staff is physically able to do their jobs. In addition to this, the annual checkup determines that the educational campus environment is desirable and free of any public health threats and hazards.
The physical examination for all first year and new student is done every June to August. For university employees, yearly check-up is
a requirement and is done before the start of the next academic year. This general concern is the responsibility of the Health Services Unit.

Dental Clinic

General physical examination is required of all pupils, students, faculty and staff. The Health Services Unit of the University ensures that the general health and well-being of everyone is sustained. It is the school’s policy that students enrolled are physically fit to undertake educational programs and the members of the faculty and staff is physically able to do their jobs. In addition to this, the annual checkup determines that the educational campus environment is desirable and free of any public health threats and hazards.
The physical examination for all first year and new student is done every June to August. For university employees, yearly check-up is
a requirement and is done before the start of the next academic year. This general concern is the responsibility of the Health Services Unit.

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