Central Mindanao Colleges visits FCU for benchmarking, partnership

Over one hundred graduate school students and school officials from Central Mindanao Colleges visited Filamer Christian University, Inc. for a benchmarking and partnership initiatives, January 24.

Led by their Graduate School Dean Dr. Gemma Kintanar, students and school officials of CMC were welcomed by University Dr. George Cortel, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Minnie Chan, Vice President for Research, Extension, and Quality Assurance Dr. Erlyn Beup, Human Resource Director Mr. Exequiel Calimutan, International Programs Officer Director Dr. Mary Jane Tormon, Extension Office Director Dr. Elica Guillermo, and other key university officials.

The visit commenced through a tour around campuses of Filamer including library and basic education.

Afterwards, a program was initiated at the Roblee Hall to properly welcome CMC visitors where Filamer’s history was presented.

Talents of Filamerians were also showcased through performances from world champion FCU Chorale and premier dance group, Silak Dance Company.